Subject: Re: Minimum MicroVAX 3100/20 kernel config?
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/05/1999 14:16:46
> > Off the wall thought.... would a standard scsi cdburner like maybe
> > one of the Phillips things work satisfactorily on a MicroVAX 3100,
> > or would the MicroVAX be too slow to support the I/O.
> Depends on the requirements of the burner. Given that the DMA SCSI
> support is only a few weeks old, I suggest you go and figure out for us
> whether it can be done or not. :-)
Well, let me see if I can get VAXbaby sufficiently stable and happy,
and then find a cdburner and load up cdrecord. Chances are, at 1X
or maybe 2X directly from disk image, it may work fine.
> Has anyone had a chance to play with SCSI tape devices on their systems?
> I've been soley focusing on disk drives.
I tried a scsi tape (archive DC6150 thing) on Ultrix, before I loaded
NetBSD, and it did not like it. The TK50Z worked fine. I will have
to repeat that on NetBSD. It is a matter of dragging a sun shoebox
over and seeing if it flies. If it does, I will be happy, since that
TK50 has gotta be the slowest thing since the dinosaur days.
Anything odd or specific I need to be aware of before I lug the box
over and throw in a tape, as to ID's, devices, etc?
> > Ideally, I would like a 6150 capable tape drive for compatibility with
> > my other unix toyz, and, (dream on....) a reel-reel 9 tracker for some
> > OT tape capability. Whether or not I ever find a usable 9 tracker that
> > I can afford, is another story. But, it always struck my fancy as not
> > being a real unix box unless those big tapes were whirring along.....
> Hey looky thar, Bob has a MicroVAX 3100 hanging off his tape drive.
> -brian.
Well, I was thinking more of one of those Sun flat tape systems.
I forget the number right off, but it is a plain scsi thing, and
a friend has one that might be sitting..... about the size of
a small PDP-11 case. I think they were Kennedy tape transports.
I gotta be careful, though, if it looks like a refrigerator is moving
into the unix toy play pit, the wife is likely to hang me off the
tape drive, rather than the MV3100......(:+\\.....