Subject: Re: Minimum MicroVAX 3100/20 kernel config?
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/05/1999 08:46:35
On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, NetBSD Bob wrote:
> Question .... what exactly is the MicroVAX 3100/20? Is that a VAX43
> or a VAX410? I sense it is the VAX410, from what folks have been
> telling me.
Good question. The config options are a little confusing in the regard.
Given that the VAXstation 3100/M76 is a KA43, the VAXstation
3100/{M30,M38} are KA42, the early MicroVAX 3100s are KA41, and the
VAXstation/MicroVAX 2000 are KA410 -- you'd expect there to be something
like a VAX410, VAX41, VAX42, and VAX43 config option.
I don't know how the models are currently grouped.
--- Brian Chase | | -----
KIRK: Oh no! A horrible transporter malfunction!
SPOCK: Actually, Captain, the transporter is working perfectly.
KIRK: Damn. There goes another possible excuse for my hair.
-- K.