Subject: Re: SETI@home ?
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/05/1999 10:49:35
On Thu, Nov 04, 1999 at 01:09:28PM -0500, John Wilson wrote:
> >From:
> >> There is (was) at least one "coprocessor" (really, i/o chip) for 8bit micros
> >> that does/did IEEE. I don't recall the name or manufacturer.
> >
> >There were two math processors, 8231 and 8232.  I believe 8232 was Ieee FP
> >But I forget how many bits(32 I think).
> Didn't AMD have an FP chip too?  I dimly remember seeing an S-100 board
> (or something like that) in the Quest catalog ages ago, I'm probably totally
> making up these numbers but ISTR they gave you your choice of Am9511 or Am9512.

I think I'm remembering the Am9511 or -12, but i've never used it myself.
I just thought "it would be cool to add this to the TRS80".


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