Subject: Re: Interesting item on eBay web site item#192631369: VAX 9000 Model 410
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From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/04/1999 16:16:50
""  wrote:

>this is one of the absolute awesomest VAXen ever made. however, it will


>suck down 30 kilowatts and has special blowers and such which MUST always 
>run or the mahcine will promptly burn up (no joke). the whole thing is a 

Well a 9000-410 runs to about 14kW or so; the VAX 9000-440 runs to nearly 27kW
- those extra bits of ECL do make a difference! 

>huge pile of custom ECL and is the fastest VAX ever made. something like
>100 VUPS or thereabouts. if it would fit in my house (it it would even 

A shade under 160 VUPs for a 9000-440 but a lowly 40 VUPs for the 9000-410.
A fully configured VAX 6000-660 kicks in at maybe 150 VUPs  but can only manage
a puny 1.6kW ...
I don't have the figures to hand for the 7000 series but ISTR that a 
7000-610 is around 40 VUps and the 710 and 810 each throw in an extra 10 VUPs
or so giving a 7000-810 a rating of maybe 60 VUPs; throw in an additional five
processors and (allowing for some derating) a VAX 7000-860 should be able to
kick out 250-300 VUPs or so (but I bet the power consumption is way lower so
the 9000 still wins there :-)

> but just to have it would be AWESOME. 

True - and at $100 last time I looked how can you go wrong !!!

> only a few hundred of these were ever made. 

500-1000 I heard, but I have no official figures.

> If the VAX6000 is supported, then support for the 9000 will not be too 

Doing the VAX 6000 will buy you XMI support - there's much more to a VAX 9000
machine than just that. All the manuals seem to exist though. VAX 7000 seems
like a more useful target right now (and I read here that one will be coming up
soon ...)

>dont be fooled folks, this is a BIG machine. it weighs over five tons. 
>but it is AWESOME. 

Very true.
