Subject: Re: another happy scsi user!
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/03/1999 21:33:09
On  2 Nov, wrote:

> just a quick word of THANKS! to those who got the the
> SCSI DMA working like a charm!
for a in 1 2 3 ; do
<PROSTRATION> All my thankfulness to you ragge, my GURU! </PROSTRATION>
Do you remember me at the third german VAX geek meeting in September?

Many, many thanks to ragge and the other programmers. My m76 is running
very well with 1.4M on a 500MB Fujitsu SCSI disk. Currently it compiles
the fifth kernel with "make -j 8" (RAM test...). And the obscure 32MB
RAM problem is also gone. I will do a "make build" on it next week.

> also,  what is the state of X support on the 3100m76 and m38?
> I take it that the display side is ok? (given that a 'graphical'
> console exists).  I support there for keyboard and mouse?
I found a 
#clr0          at vsbus0 csr 0x30000000 # 4- or 8-bitplans color graphics
in the GENERIC config file. Does this mean that there is some work
going on to support GPX graphic?

