Subject: Re: Calling All VAXperts!
To: Geoff Roberts <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/31/1999 22:44:06
On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Geoff Roberts wrote:

> Quite a bit actually.  I have several 6000's and work with one as well.

All this talk of VAX 6000 machines makes me almost sick with envy. Damn,
they are beautiful boxen... I want one!!

(I guess that makes me a VAXaholic... it's not like I haven't got enough
VAXen already... ;-) (BTW, did I just coin a new term? "My name is Gunnar
and I'm a VAXaholic")


Gunnar Helliesen   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway        | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2   | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)