Subject: Re: Calling All VAXperts!
To: Bruce Lane <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/31/1999 09:43:28

> 	Yes, I do believe I just coined a new word: VAXpert = VAX expert. ;-)
> 	Now that I have your attention... I may have the opportunity to pick up a
> VAX 6000/210. What can you tell me about this system? Vintage? Size? Power
> needs? Bionic arms needed to lift one?

it is from about 1989, should be in a cabinet about the size of an H9644 only
roughly 25" wide instead of 19, will probably require three-phase power
but can be converted to single-phase (a fellow in AU did it and 
descriobed in detail the process), will probably require about 500 watts 
if its a simple system with a processor, some memory, disk controllers, 
ethernet, but could possibly consume twice that if its fully loaded up with
boards. It probablyhas no disk since the cabinet was devoted entirely to
the machine. if theres another cabinet with disks, get it. it mighthave 
DSSI  disks in it! It will probably weigh about 500 pounds. If you have a 
truck, its no big deal. It has one XMI and two BI backplanes, and it is 
in general a very slick machine. the 200 processor is not the fastest, but
it is decent. These machines absolutely kick ass at I/O though, plus can 
have more processors put in. (up to six processors) 
the 6000 series was the pinnacle of VAX design in a lot of people's 
minds. The hardware is really incredible. i;d highly recommend getting 
this machine!

> 	Finally... can NetBSD/VAX run on it?

 no, but ultrix can. There are some efforts beginning, which promise to
bring support to these machines. don't hold your breath, but it _is_ in 
the works. documentation for these is scarece and expensive, which 
compounds the problem. 

happy hacking,