Subject: Re: MicroVAX 3100 NetBSD
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/26/1999 12:02:38
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> > Yeah, a MicroVAX 3100 in the tall (double high desktop) case with 8M ram,
> > and it has the dual scsi controllers.
> I have one MicroVAX 3100 as well, with the dual SCSI controller. (8MB ram)
> Actually, it was on that machine I fixed the SCSI DMA support :-)
> If you are lucky then it is a KA41-mbased one, and then NetBSD will
> work like a charm.
> >>> sho ver
> KA41-E V1.1C6-17B-V6.2-263
> PST: 17B
> CON: 1C6
> VMB: V6.2
> ROM: 263
Yeah, of the MicroVAX 3100 line the following are supported: MicroVAX
3100/10, MicroVAX 3100/20, MicroVAX 3100/10e, and MicroVAX 3100/20e.
And then there's the VAXserver 3100 that I can never remember to which
MicroVAX 3100 it corresponds. If you're not positive it's a MV3100/30
then you might have some luck with it. See Ragge's suggestion on the
"SHOW VER" command to check the processor type.
The main thing holding up porting the kernel to a MicroVAX 3100/30 would
be access to one by one of the kernel developers. It's likely the port's
not too difficult to accomplish if the ethernet is using the same lance
chip, and the I/O board is using the same NCR SCSI chipset.
--- Brian Chase | | -----
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