Subject: Re: Help! My Sysinst of 1.4.1 is failing..
To: None <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/25/1999 17:09:01
At 04:24 PM 10/25/99 -0700, Brian D Chase wrote:
>:-)  It's very ugly. [manual install]

Its not that ugly. During the period of massive instability of sysinst I
got into the habit of:
	netboot with a stable root from NFS
	newfs the drive partitions [set up partitions if not done yet]
	disklabel -b ra0
	mount the root partition on /a 
	mkdir /a/usr
	mount the /usr partition on /a/usr
	mkdir /a/var
	mount the /var partition on /a/var
	foreach i (*.tgz)
	    echo "$i begin." >> install.log
	    gzip -dc $i | (cd /a ; tar -xf -)
	    echo "$i done. " >> install.log
	cd /a/dev
	./MAKEDEV all
	cd /a/etc
	vi rc.conf
		... configure the system stuff ...
	umount /a/var
	umount /a/usr
	umount /a

Then boot the new version and try it out.
