Subject: VLC Memory (was Re: VS4000 VLC headless?)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/01/1999 12:10:36
Michael Kukat wrote:
> I saw it in some CPU specific defines. There are some bits in a register
> telling the kind of modules. Don't find the files at the moment, but it was
> some kind of SDL include file or so. I never got it running this way, i simply
> have no 16Mx36 modules to test.
> But: This is a thing one should really test. In the docs of my TexXPress XP356
> they also said: memory expandable up to 68 MB (4 MB base, 64 in PC/2-modules)
> I just tried out to put in 2 32MB and 2 16MB modules, and: 100 Megs in an X-
> Terminal. Maybe they simply didn't have 16MB modules the time they designed the
> box, or the modules were too big for the small pizza case, so they didn't
> mention it in the docs.
> If i get 2 16Mx36 modules in my hands, i'll try ASAP, but for now, i don't know
> where to get some.

	This would definitely be worth trying.  I have a 16 MB x 36 SIMM
lying around, I would need to get another I guess to try this out...