Subject: Re: Pros/Cons of MicroVAX II for NetBSD?????
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: NetBSD Mailing list <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/24/1999 09:44:00
> A friend has a MicroVAX II that he probably won't be doing anything with.
> I was thinking of trying NetBSD on it. Anyone have any pros/cons/gotchas/
> hints/suggestions on NetBSD on a MicroVAX II (BA23 enclosure)?
> Any insights are appreciated.
Hi Bob,
I run two MVII's in BA23's here. Both have NetBSD.
The only major caveat is that the puppy is REALLY slow compared to
most anything else on the planet. However, mine have proven to be
diehard workhorses. Both of them have been running for well over
a month at a time--they would have kept running had I not rebooted
to bring up a new kernel. Mine are both SCSI (CMD controllers)
with 16mb each. I do netboot them both, since I long-ago yanked
out the floppies in order to add additional drives. in the cabinet.
With the speed issue aside, they have proven their utilitarian
value for providing me the VAX platform I need for software
porting issues.
Hope that helps.
Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor InterNet:
MRY Systems
(Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
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