Subject: Re: Me again...
To: Daniel Seagraves <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/21/1999 23:15:47
Hi !
> > > Just started "Make Depend". I bet it'll be finished by sometime next
> > > week. ^_^ Seriously though, when I do the compile (IF I do the compile!)
> > > I'm gonna time it. ^_^ Maybe it'll be done by next month...
> >
> > Didn't read the whole thread, but sounds like you try compiling the current
> > kernel on a MicroVAX-I :-)
> > Kernel needs about 3 hours on a VS 3100m76 or a VAX 4000/300
> It could be close. I'm doing this on a 3100m(20? Maybe... It says
> VAXserver 3100 on the nameplate and I don't know how to determine the
> model number.), except I'm doing it from the harddisk. And the hard disk
> throughput is somewhere between 15 and 30KB/sec. I know it's not a 76.
You'd better run it over network, then the job will be done over night.
> BTW, make depend is still running, but it hasn't crashed yet, so it looks
> like it may complete this time around.
According to your config, a make depend could take about 2 hours. Don't know
how much influence your low data througput does, but the dependencies take
about hald an hour with 8 VUPs. You have 2.8 VUPs i think. But compiling will
be hard... If you have low RAM and use swap, the compiler will be loaded every
time used i think... This might really take until next week or so :-)
Have fun... Michael