Subject: Re: Where's the current kernel?
To: Daniel A. Seagraves <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/17/1999 22:23:35
Apparently the one in the release is the same image from the 1.4.1-pre
distribution. I just finished rebuilding one (to get the DDB stuff
configured into the system).

Has anyone confirmed the problem with FTP dumping core if you suspsend and
resume it?

At 10:26 AM 9/17/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I have one from January 1st, one from the 18th of August, and an old 1.3 
>Is the August one current, or is there another newer one elsewhere?
>Under the August one, I have the same problems as last time I tried this.
>(I write a disklabel and then read it back, even across reboots, but the
> kernel doesn't recognise it, and I can't write bootblocks on the device.)