Subject: Booter/Kernel tests again
To: Port-VAX Mailinglist <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/16/1999 00:10:15
Hi !
Sorry to all, who tried to download my VAX 4000/500 test kernel. The Solaris
FTP seems to assume ASCII transfers by default, so there was a bit of upload
trash :-).
Kernel is OK now, here it is:
This is downloaded and tested by me. Sorry for .ZIP, this is a MIME type
misconfiguration at my provider, i didn't check if they fixed it already, but
.tgz made problems.
(BTW: I hope, my mails don't come from again, this
was my fault... If this does, i see it in the list and try again to fix it,
so long please reply to
so long... Michael
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