Subject: Re: VS3100 m76 console port
To: None <>
From: Dann Lunsford <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/11/1999 12:41:13
Allison J Parent wrote:
> <with a VT340+.  I have virtually NO doc on this thing, so I have to
> <ask:  Is there a way to make the default speed in >>> mode 19.2K
> <instead of 9600?  This would make things a lot more comfortable
> <for me.  9600 is painfully slow for some things.
> The boot console(>>>) runs at a default speed for simple config reasons.
> I once your running I think it's possible to go as fast as 38.4 but,
> at boot time it's 9600 again.  IT was intended as a graphic workstation
> so terminal IO was mostly for maintenance.
> Allison

Thanks, Allison.  I was afraid that would be the answer, but I had to

Now if I can only keep the machine from crashing so often...

   Thanks again.

    Dann Lunsford