Subject: Booter test please
To: Port-VAX Mailinglist <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/30/1999 21:46:35
Hi !
Ok, i just finished 3 new platforms in support for the booter. Due to i have
absolutely no info about hardware (as usual...), i can only hope it works a
bit on those boxes. New platforms are:
KA660 - VAX 4000/200
KA680 - VAX 4000/500
KA53 - VAX 4000/105
Could you please get the booter from this URL:
and try it on those platforms ? It's a zipped mop-format booter, resulting from
the current sources (ok, i had to trick a bit, the booter is not compilable
with -current sources in just downloaded tarballs), but this only affects some
harddisk stuff in 8200 CPU or so. These 3 platforms should get even the kernel
booted, but the kernel will crash without support. (To come next days).
Please write me the results of these CPUs with this booter, if it gets IP
addresses and tries to mount the root fs to get the kernel, everything is OK.
And another thing: I need some bits from the KA680 or KA53 tech manual, the
old procedure with enabling the cache and stuff. These boxes use the NVAX cpu,
which is new in NetBSD. (One reason more to hope it works :-)
Have fun and gimme the results....
so long... Michael
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