Subject: RE: Don't buy a vax, but the vax (was Re: RIP, VAX)
To: 'Andrew Phillips' <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/30/1999 03:45:07
Andrew Phillips wrote:

>    I can't believe I'm seriously discussing this. I must be nuts. 

You _do_ have a point... ;-)

When I started this thread I said:

> If only I had the money to buy the remnants of Digital back from
> Compaq...

It seems to me that the timing would be perfect. Compaq is in trouble
financially, their management is in shambles, they have just announced
that they are halting all development of Windows NT^H^H 2000 for the
Alpha (firing 100 people in the process) and they have announced the
death of the VAX.

Someone with more money than I have should do as I suggested. I assume
Compaq would be more than willing to part with an "orphan" part of the
company that they never really wanted anyway (they bought Digital
primarily for the service organization and the high-end Alpha servers).

Hey Compaq, how much for the Digital name, the VAX architecture (and
name) and VMS? ;-)

Well, at least dreams is free...


Gunnar Helliesen   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway        | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2   | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)