Subject: Re: Don't buy a vax, but the vax (was Re: RIP, VAX)
To: None <>
From: J.S. Havard <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/29/1999 17:41:00
> > To make something that will be successful, it needs to be at a cost
> > comparable to a PC, and give a little more performance (its a vax, of
> > course it will!).  Let's not just cater to a select group of people, who
> > love the Vax architecture, and don't want to see it die.  Let's make
> > something that can be used by everybody, and won't cost them an arm and a
> > leg, and a third and fourth mortgage.
> I hate to do, this but somebody has to play Devil's Advocate.
> You may make something that can be used by everybody, BUT, will anybody
> (outside of VAX enthusiasts) use it? Taking an Analogy in the software world,
> x86 Linux is only *just* starting to make an impact in the desktop world,
> depsite the fact that techies have set them up as web servers all over the
> world, sometimes without telling their bosses :-) If you do decide to go the
> route of developing a new VAXen, you have to realise that its probably going to
> take over a decade before it starts to make any sort of impact :-(

It isn't the fact that only Vax entusiasts will use it.  It is the fact
that it will be *available* to people other than Vax entusiasts.

John Havard