Subject: RE: preserving VAX *sounds*
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List: port-vax
Date: 08/26/1999 09:58:25
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>I remember one place where I used to work. We had an 11/785 with a fully
>loaded Unibus, including a HyperChannel link to an off-site Cray,
>several plotter interfaces, large line printer interfaces etc. (BTW,
>that link to the Cray was how come I learned to program. Cray Research
>supplied some VMS software called "Cray Station", in order to use the
>VAX as a front-end for the Cray (running COS).

Wow, and I thought that where I was before were the only users. We had this 
on an 8650 talking to a Cray-2 about 600 miles away. Wasn't it an awful piece 
of software?
Then again, so was COS, UNICOS was miles better.

The other funny thing I remember was having a DMA interface to a Tektronix 3D 
terminal in the 8650. We removed it when we found that it slower than a 38400 
baud RS232

Happy days ! ! 

Robert Cross.

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