Subject: Re: Failing build due to optimisation
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Mailing list <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/18/1999 10:32:42
> 	"Funny you should mention that..."
> 	You should find the patches in
> 	do all that you need.
> 	I have an additional set of patches that fix some boot and sysinst
> 	issues - I'm planning on putting the entire set up if you want to
> 	wait a day or so...

Heart be still!

Thanks, I got them, and see exactly what I wanted in there.

Do blab something on the list when you have more fun patches.   I'll not wait
for them, but I'll certainly be looking for them.

Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor     InterNet:
MRY Systems	
    (Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
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