Subject: Re: Anyone interested in some VR-era monitors?
To: J.S. Havard <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/15/1999 17:13:05
On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, J.S. Havard wrote:

> Also, since I've been sort of out of the loop on Vax, NetBSD/vax and
> such things, how is scsi support on VS3100s?  I would surely love to
> get the machine running off a local disk, instead of netbooting.  
> That is, if I can get the serial console working again.  I probably
> screwed up my cable, so I'll have to look in to that.

SCSI on VS3100 is go (but really really slow).  I spent the past two weeks
testing out PIO SCSI on older VAXstations.  I can vouch for usable support
on the VAXstation 3100/M30,M38,M76, the VAXserver 3100, and the VAXstation
2000.  I believe it should work for the MicroVAX 3100/10,20,10e,20e as

On the M76 I can get about 90KB/s I/O, the VS2000 around 30KB/s, and the
others around 65-75KB/s.

Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!