Subject: Re: VXT2000
To: Anders Hogrelius SdU <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/06/1999 10:22:37
Hi !

> Hallo everyone!
> Is there anyone that has the software needed to get a VXT or VT1300
> up and running? I have the VMS-archive, but I'm unable to unpack it
> since none of my VAX'es are running VMS. Could someone pack the stuff
> in a tar arch and point me to an ftp, or attach it to a mail?

This is what Berhnard already answered :-) (If there are questions, i've got
such a beast running).

> I also have some 10 VXT 2000+ that i give away provided that the
> transport is arranged. They are complete with keyboard, but no mouse
> or CRT and has about 10Meg of memory . This is probably only of interrest
> to DEC-fans living in Scandinavia due to the cost of the freight, but feel
> free to drop me a mail if you're interrested.

I would like to take 2 or 3 of them. This can be put in a big box and i think
Sweden to Germany is not that big price for transport. Payment would be the
easiest with VISA i think.

so long.. Michael