Subject: Re:VXT2000
To: Anders Hogrelius SdU <>
From: Bernhard H. Buckel <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/06/1999 04:03:29
>>>>> "Anders" =3D=3D Anders Hogrelius SdU <> writes=
Anders> Hallo everyone! Is there anyone that has the software
Anders> needed to get a VXT or VT1300 up and running? I have the
So far, I know where to download the stuff, but since it is a VMS
archive, no go so far. But since the german VAX-nerd herding is due
to next weekend, I'm sure we can work this out. Stay tuned!
Anders> VMS-archive, but I'm unable to unpack it since none of my
Anders> VAX'es are running VMS. Could someone pack the stuff in a
Anders> tar arch and point me to an ftp, or attach it to a mail?
Uhmm.. This stuff is several MB, so I'll put it on ftp as soon as I
can get a tarball...
Anders> I also have some 10 VXT 2000+ that i give away provided
Anders> that the transport is arranged. They are complete with
Anders> keyboard, but no mouse or CRT and has about 10Meg of
Anders> memory . This is probably only of interrest to DEC-fans
Anders> living in Scandinavia due to the cost of the freight, but
Anders> feel free to drop me a mail if you're interrested.
Hey, I'd take three of them, an X-Terminal is what I've been longing
for a long time! Just tell me how much the shipping costs to Germany
will be and I'll send you the cash in advance (what'll it be? $$, =A3 o=
german marks?)
=09=09=09 Bernhard
Unix is like a wigwam: No fences, no gates, apache inside.