Subject: Re: NetBSD support for MicroVAX 3100's
To: None <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/27/1999 01:37:03
On Sun, 27 Jun 1999 wrote:
> We have 3 models of MicroVAX and were hoping that at least one would run
> NetBSD.
> We have:
> 3100-90 (KA50)
> 3100-80 (KA??)
> 3100-40 (KA??)
Well, none of those are supported yet. Unless mayb the 3100-40 you
mention is actually a VAXstation 3100/M40 instead of a MicroVAX 3100/40.
You're going to have to find something older than those.
The 3100-90 is rated at 24 VUPs, the 3100-80 at 12 VUPs, and the 3100-40
is at 5 VUPs. That MicroVAX 3100/90 would be a really nice NetBSD/vax box
(maybe someday).
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!