Subject: Re: New booter available
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/22/1999 13:29:35
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Michael Kukat wrote:
> I just compiled the current booter sources, here are the features:
> The countdown works on nearly ALL CPUs (good Job, Ragge :-), except my
> 4000 VLC :-( Support for VAX 4000/300 is included and tested, support for
> VAX 4000/200 is included and should be tested. Jon, would you test it,
> please. And please tell me, if the countdown works on the VAX 4000/200,
> because this thing also has a SOC CPU. Maybe the countdown doesn't work on
> this CPU yet. But if it prints messages and tries to boot... the first
> step should be done.
Could you include the printing of a version string at the time the
bootloader starts? I would find this helpful in discussions about the
bootloader (WRT keeping things straight between which versions have what
problems on which systems). :-)
And then it would be sort of a courtesy to add some specific info to the
version string when people modify the bootloader outside of the NetBSD
repository. Again, just to simplify tracking these changes and their
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!