Subject: Re: TK50/TK70 tapes
To: Gordon C. Zaft <>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/22/1999 08:19:02
> 	Anyone know of a good source for new TK-70 cartridges (i.e. TK52s)?

Here in Europe I can still get them new. Not cheap, but they are still
available from 3M (amongst others).. And I got a few shoeboxes full of 
TK70 tapes for free (with DEC drive cleaning kits) when a company close by 
was cleaning out their storage. I *think* they will last me a lifetime..

Got some 11/94's as well.. They went to good, loving, homes :-)

								Bye Arno.

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