Subject: Re: Trouble booting a Vax-Server 3100 with NetBSD-1.4
To: Per Larsson <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/21/1999 19:42:20
> This makes 1.4 rather worthless as it stands.
> I sure hope someone (Ragge?) puts a fixed kernel somewhere.
I tried the 1.4 distribution on a 3100/m30, did a netinstall onto a
local SCSI disk and it just worked...
There must be zillions of different types of 3100's out there. Gee, it's
like a nightmare to get something that works on all of them...
> Ps. What's the status on 1.4 for the uV-II? I haven't touched it for
> a while as I'm waiting for a DELQA. Ds.
I did a 1.4 test installation booting from TU81 onto a MV3, so it should
work just fine I hope...
-- Ragge