Subject: Re: ESDI on uVAXII
To: Bruce Lane <>
From: Joop Carels <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/03/1999 16:46:23
> This is often the result of not having initialized the drives in question
> with the controller's on-board formatting utility before letting the VAXen
> take a crack at them. Have you run the Dilog's on-board formatter? It
> should be accessible through whatever series of commands launch the board's
> menu, or perhaps from plugging your console terminal into the appropriate
> plug on the Dilog (if it has this... many third-party boards did).
Ah, this might help... thx.
I'll check.
If it doesn't have that plug, does someone out there know the appropriate
commands? (Yes, shame on me, I don't have the documentation...)
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