Subject: Booted uV3100-m40 all the way
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sune Stjerneby <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/1999 18:53:27

I decided to let my uVAX-II take its time to brew a kernel without lkc0
(only took 20 hours 8) - so now the 3100-m40 runs NetBSD gracefully,
although the NCR scsi is not detected (netboot only) - it still says
VS4000-VLC, but it's a lot faster than the uVAX-II, anyway..

I've fiddled with sid.h to include the SID for this VAX, but I soon
realized there's much more glue to it than that.

// Sune Stjerneby
<> {Herfoelge, Denmark, EU}
  -- "Go, Go, DECzilla!"
  -- "Berkeley UNIX: 22 Years on the VAX."
  -- http://www.{Net,Free,Open}BSD.ORG