Subject: Re: Q: Support MFM controller/disks for MV2000 in 1.4
To: Thomas Seidmann <tseidmann@SIMULTAN.CH>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/1999 16:42:47
> Hi,
> I noticed the commented-out lines containing the specification of hdc0
> and rd* in GENERIC and thus the missing support of the MFM controller
> for the MV2000 in 1.4 - the uVAX netbooted but naturally its rd* disk
> are invisible. My question is: will the addition of the following two
> lines in the kernel configuration file lead to a kernel with working rd*
> disk support?
No. The problem is that the DMA resource handling code isn't written yet,
as soon as it is finished it will be simple to get DMA on both SCSI and
the RD disks.
-- Ragge