Subject: Trying to boot 1.4 on a 750
To: <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/23/1999 21:40:31
Anyone - Ragge: ?
I am trying to boot NetBSD-1.4 on my ancient 750 -
I have massbus fuji-eagle drives (2) and a TU81
tape machine-
My hp0 has BSD4.2 on it + the 1.3.2 NetBSD boot and
edlabel utils -
I have used the edlabel util to put a valid label on
hp1 - where I want to install 1.4 NetBSD -
When I boot the 1.4 miniroot - it finds both eagle
drives during autoconfig, but says neither one has
a vaild label (problem 1. - I expected at least hp1
to show a vaild label here ...)
When the sysinst program goes out to look for drives
to do the install on - it prints 2 "hpioctl: 4116472"
messages - which I have tracked down to the default
clause in a switch(cmd) statement in hpioctl (in mba/hp.c)
sysinst then says I have no useful drives for
installation (problem 2)
Any ideas: ? Help !!
Paul Sawyer