From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/17/1999 13:42:50
There are versions of serial port switches that do this, (they wire the TD/RD
lines together when the port isn't selected. Alternatively you can kludges up a
similar option using back to back connectors, the trick is to not send a
'break' to the system when you pull the plug. Also on the KA6xx boards there is
a jumper to disable breaking to the monitor (for security reasons, DEC allows
this to be configured) but I don't know about the 3100 series.
At 01:19 PM 5/17/99 -0700, Rick Copeland wrote:
> I am mop booting eight VS3100's. Unfortunately this requires eight separate
> terminals, one for each 3100. If I disconnect any of the terminals (console
> terminal) the 3100's drop back to the ">>>" prompt. I would like to be able
> to run these with out a terminal (after say they are booted up) or find some
> way to connect them to a single computer that emulates eight terminals. Is
> there a way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Rick C.