Subject: VS2000 HDC9224 SUPPORT??
To: None <>
From: Peter Rhein <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/10/1999 12:42:22
looking at the 1.4-beta/vax/*/kernel dir i had to see no precompiled
kernel. ignoring the fact that compiling the whole kernel on my old 4MB
VS2000 takes about several months (well, exagerating a bit ;) i was
hopefully fetching the new 1.4-beta source. after changing the config file
the config tool told me i had to specify some 'csr' value for the vsbus
device. looking at the source i found a "#ifdef notyet" at hdcattach() so
i guess my old mfm disk will not be supported.
is it a big task to implement the hdc driver to the new modell?
i am very happy that the vs2000 graphic console gets supported right now,
but as i want to use the disk (i like standalone systems) there is no
choice for me -- i am still using the old old kernel which supports the
HDC but not the console (was there ever a version which supported both??)
maybe my vs2000 should go to the garbage can???
greetings from tuebingen