Subject: Re: uVAX-II
To: Per Larsson <>
From: emanuel stiebler <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/24/1999 15:58:13
-----Original Message-----
From: Per Larsson <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, April 23, 1999 6:26 PM
Subject: uVAX-II
>I read a few days ago that the uVAX-II (MS630) was capable of running as a
>multiprocessor system.
That right.
>I thought 'Cool!', and as I have a BA123 it should be possible to have
>2 processorcards with a 8MB card connected to each, giving 18MB (if I'm
>not mistaken, which I probably am).
yes. You are mistaken. ;-))
>Is such a system supported in NetBSD? I haven't read about it anywhere
>else, so I fear it's not supported.
No. It's not supported.
>Can anyone confirm this?
We had this discussion probably a year ago here on this list. (if somebody
is interested in details ;-))
Shorts story: it works as a master/slave multiprocessor system. the slave
has no access to the bus, (if you want to use more than the onboard memory,
you should wrap your own bus backplane) communication is through some
registers on the cpu only. slave boots from master, not from the bus.
But everybody who is interested, should check the archive for a long version
of this.
cheers & have fun,