Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: None <>
From: Allison J Parent <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/15/1999 22:52:15
<Yeah but code density and data-alignment-wise, 2GB of RAM on an Alpha is
<probably equivalent to 512MB on a VAX.  Hell, on a VAX we can manipulate
<data in the form of bitstrings which don't even have to be located on byte
<boundaries... just pick it up in the middle of a byte somewhere.

Going back to vaxen without enough memory to be useful...

In them olden days we supported dozens of users with sometimes as little as 
8mb.  But then we were saddles with this really neat Os called VMS that was 
written and tuned to VAXen.  What was really wild was the DECwindows 
windowing system running on those old slow MVIIs with bunches of other users 
doing same.
