Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/15/1999 18:35:50
Michael Kukat writes:
> Hi !
> > I suppose it's fairly simple to do on the VAX, because, well, I've
> > never seen a VAX with a Lot of memory :-)
> VAXen don't run Windows, so they just have no need of much memory... I have
> 16-24 MB in my VAXen, this IS a lot of memory, as i see NetBSD running very
> fine with it.
> so long... Michael

Well, Jason is probably thinking relative to Alpha servers with 2GB of
memory. :-)  That is where the capital 'L' in Lot came from I guess!

My poor little vax has 24MB, which is fine, considering it is netbooted
and not very fast.  If I had faster (ok, fast AND working) SCSI, I might
be inclined to run something that needed more RAM.. 

Andrew Gillham                            | This space left blank                     | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | Contact the publisher.