Subject: Re:
To: Alex van Denzel <>
From: Sheila and the GeeSer <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/08/1999 21:40:21
KMV is the Qbus version of the KMC11/DMC11. that is, a microprocessor
controlled aux processor - intended for comms but could be set up to do
other things.
Yep, the use of a qbus machine as a packet switched node, stub, or
switch, required one of these to keep the processor free of all the
interrupts and stuff.
I have a bunch of them. I think they could do rs232, v.35, local modem
like the dmc11- variant.
Hope this helps
Alex van Denzel wrote:
> Antonio,
> You wrote,
> > The M7500 is a KMV11 or a KMV1A.
> That tells me still nothing. I believe the previous owner did have WAN (X.25) connections
> to the rest of his world.
> > That's an awful lot of serial lines...
> Yes I know. Only... Just one card has its 8 DB25 connectors, the other two have only the
> centronics type connector, and I don't have the rest of the iron for it.
> Greetings, Alex
> --
> "Uncle Cosmo ... why do they call this a word processor?"
> "It's simple, Skyler ... you've seen what food processors do to food,
> right?"
> -- MacNelley, "Shoe"
real address is shsrms at erols dot com
The Herbal Gypsy and the Tinker.