Subject: Do you remeber me?
To: NetBSD - VAX Port <>
From: Cthulhu <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/30/1999 04:57:04
Ok, finally I get that NetBSD 1.4 running on the VsII.

It mounts /usr/share, /usr/include, /usr/src/sys from a linux NFS server.

	1) without swap, I can't compile the kernel (9MB RAM).
	   With swap it hangs.  
	   How the support for the VAX 4000-300 is?
	   I'm wondering about netboot the last, mount / from NFS, and
	   compile kernel from here... a lot faster, if it works.

	2) 'timed' works only if launched with '-t' (log on file), and this
  	   happen even on linux machines. Moreover, after a while, on the
	   VAX it drops a core and die.
	   I still have no backup battery on the VsII...

	3) Since all man pages was formatted wrong, I did removed the
	   compiled version.
   	   Now, man is no more saving its output into cat? dirs.
	   Every time I do a 'man bash', I have to wait 15 minutes.
	   After a discussion with ragge, I tryied to chmod 1777 all cat?
	   subdirs, woth no result.
	   And it seems that 'catman', suggested by ragge, is missing in
	   this distribution.
	   At least, I did find the makewhatis script. :)

Maybe one day your patience will be rewarded. :)



       Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu wgah'nagl fhtgan!
		       <cthulhu at flashnet dot it>