Subject: Re: NetBSD current
To: emanuel stiebler <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/30/1999 22:21:02
Hi !

> There is this "timer" which should count down for 5 seconds.
> Doesn't work on my vs3100/76 & vs4000/60
> Works on vs3500, vs3600, vs3100/30.

This doesn't even work on i386 fine, as i remember. There it runs about 3 times
faster than it should. I found the problem, but i don't concentrate my work on
this at the moment. Just press ENTER.

> I compiled a new kernel (tarfiles from sunday).
> Generic compiles fine.
> The new kernel doesn't boot on my vs3600(KA655 & DELQA) anymore. Lots of
> timeout trying the DHCP/RARP/... give up.

Can't say something about that. Maybe the new hardware detection has some
little bugs left. Did you "tcpdump" on your boot server to look, if there is
any kind of communicationm on the network ?

> Works on vs4000/60, vs3100/76, vs3100/30.

That's LANCE, this works fine.

so long.. Michael