Subject: Re: I'll wait...
To: Bruce Lane <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/29/1999 09:27:39
> Ok... now that I know netbooting really does work, and considering that
> there have been some problems with the VAX port of 1.3.3, I think I'll
> shelve the project until 1.4 comes out.
> I will, of course, share what I learned during the experience with anyone
> who asks. ;-)
Speaking of vaxen 3100 booting. I was playing with my vaxstation 3100
last night, testing out the netbooting capability of my sun3 box
(YEAH, it is finally able to run well and act as my bootserver).
Alas, the VS3100 brought up the netbsd boot OK, but did not like
the bootparams file, possibly, because it would not come back with
the client name.
Anyone have a sample bootparams file that I could copy? I was reading
in the vax netboot guide, and tried that one, but it just did not
quite seem to work when I poked in my server name. What exactly
does a working bootparams file look like? I am sure it is something
trivially stupid on my part that I botched.
Bob Keys