Subject: Panic in the snapshot kernel ...
To: None <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/25/1999 01:17:51
Ever so slowly. 

I'm trying to build the system, I cd to /usr/src and do a make -i build, it
goes for a while and then "poof" it panics. 
includes ===> lib/libc
panic: trap: access fault without process
Stopped at      _arithflt+0x18b:        bbc     $6, 60(r8), _arithflt+0x1ed

Access fault without process?

ddb isn't particularly friendly, but if I read the source code correctly
and register sp is the stack pointer in kernel space, then the trap seems
to be 0x800f ? does that make sense? 
