Subject: Hardware help needed, VS4000/90
To: '' <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/23/1999 20:14:25
I've been having some hardware problems on and off with my VS4000/90,
but tonight it has completely stopped cooperating.

After successful POST, it refused to boot: "UNXINT". The sequence "H I
U" is in my fingers since my 11/785 days, I entered it and got:

>>> u

004  80060000  00000000  E00448D1  03FDFDE8
000C0000  F0D00080  03FBC859  041F0000

So I experimented some:

>>> sho mem

        MEM_TOP = 04000000
        MEM_BOT = 00000000


>>> test mem
?? 041   5       MEM  0260

  84 FAIL

I cycled the power and then all I got on the console was:

?? CRPT - Reenter bit clr
?? CRPT - Reenter bit clr
?? CRPT - Reenter bit clr
?? CRPT - Reenter bit clr
?? CRPT - Reenter bit clr
?? CRPT - Reenter bit clr
[on and on...]

I've tried swapping memory boards (I have 4x4MB and 4x16MB) in and out
in various combinations all night. No go.

The machine has had this problem on and off since I got it over six
months ago, but now it has become completely useless. Just as I was
going to test Michael's kernel!

Anyone know what all this means? Are all my memory boards defect?


Gunnar Helliesen   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway        | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2   | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)