Subject: VAXStation to PC/AT - terminal adapter
To: Port-VAX <>
From: Arne Roos <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/23/1999 12:53:49
Good day and hi,

since I'm now a proud owner of a VAXStation 4000 VLC , I am looking for
a possibility to connect my linux - box via terminal program and serial
port to the VAXStation.

In the VMS FAQ I've found that for the 9 pin PC/AT serial port I could
use a
DECconnect MMJ adapter BC16E-H8571-J.

Or, for the 25 pin modem adapter (PC/AT?) the BC16E-H8571-D.

Also there is a description of the pin out at:

MISC1.  What is the pin out for the DECconnect DEC-423 MMJ connector?

DECconnect DEC-423 MMJ pin out:

    1 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
    2 Transmit
    3 Transmit Ground
    4 Receive Ground
    5 Receive
    6 Data Set Ready (DSR)

In the serial-howto there is a description of:

PC male DB25                            Terminal DB25

TxD   Transmit Data         2 --> 3     RxD   Receive Data
RxD   Receive Data            3 <-- 2     TxD   Transmit Data
RTS   Request To Send     4 --> 5     CTS   Clear To Send
CTS   Clear To Send          5 <-- 4     RTS   Request To Send
DSR   Data Set Ready        6
DCD   Carrier Detect        8 <-- 20    DTR   Data Terminal Ready
SG    Signal Ground           7 ---  7     SG    Signal Ground
                                                             6     DSR
Set Ready
DTR   Data Terminal Ready  20 --> 8     DCD   Carrier Detect

would this mean, that:

    PC male/female DB25                                    DEC-423 MMJ
(6 pin)

TxD   Transmit Data         2 --> 5    Receive
RxD   Receive Data            3 <-- 2    Transmit Data
RTS   Request To Send     4
CTS   Clear To Send          5
DSR   Data Set Ready        6
DCD   Carrier Detect        8 <--   1    DTR   Data Terminal Ready
SG    Transmit Ground           7 ---  4     Receive Ground

Transmit Ground
                                                             6     DSR
Data Set Ready
DTR   Data Terminal Ready  20

and could I use this adapter to connect the machines?

Can both Receive Ground and Transmit Ground be connected to Transmit

Has anybody a working cable layout around and would like to share
his/her experiences with me? Please?

Would be great if I could get some advice or help in this.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards


P.S.: Does anybody perhaps has a working spare adapter around he/she
would like to get rid of?