Subject: 4000 series -> Try the new kernel
To: None <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/21/1999 11:33:16
Hi all 4000 users !

I just compiled the latest kernel sources and got 'em running on my 4000 VLC. I
also included some changes for the VAXstation 4000/90 and a little try for the
VAX 4000/300. I don't have those machines and so i can't say if there happens
something useful. It's on you to try it out. What i did:

Console autodetections failed on my 4000 VLC, it looks like the confdata
(0x20020000) has some weired values in it. As i think, the VS 4000/60 and VS
4000/90 have the same problem, i changed the detection to always use port 3 of
the DZ. Owners of such boxes should mail me the output of "EX 20020000" in the
ROM, so i can check out, if i'm right. 4000 VLC works, 4000/60 should no more
crash due to smg detection (Ragge's new detections seems to be much better :-),
4000/90 is new and uses KA48 (4000/60) cpu structures, just to try out if this
could work.

VAX 4000/300 (KA670) uses KA650 structures, don't know what will happen.
(4000/300 is a Rigel CPU with QBUS and DSSI). Christophe, please try it ans
tell me the results.

Does anyone have some information about the SOC CPU ? Seems to have the cache
controller inside, but i have absolutely no readware about my VAXen. Cache on
4000 VLC is still disabled, but the kernel seems to run stable.

Where to find the binaries ?    -> The booter, BOOTPARAMS      -> The kernel, BOOTPARAMS, BOOTP, DHCP

Ragge: The booter is compiled with all 3 config protocols, but after some
minutes of trying BOOTPARAMS, it just gives up and never tries BOOTP or DHCP.
Is it still in work or should i look for it ? Kernel works fine, some seconds

Have fun with it and tell me, what the things to, so i can change the kernel
(In hope, we get some 4000s running, so that more users can work on the port :-)

cu.. Michael