Subject: Re: 4000/60 nearly there!
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/15/1999 09:17:29
> Hi !
> > > 10.x.x.x and 127.x.x.x -> Class-A network, Netmask
> > > 172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x -> Class-B network, Netmask
> > > 192.168.0.x - 192.168.255.x -> Class-C network, Netmask
> > 
> > But, this assumes the network is classful (which is an incorrect assumption
> > most of the time these days.. ). I guess if it has to make as assumption,
> > this is the way to go..
> That's the problem why RARP doesn't do the job right today. We should use bootp
> (support is in libsa, maybe i find an easy way to include bootp support for
> root FS.)
There bootp support in the boot program, the only reason that it isn't
turned on by default is that i'm lazy :-) I fixed so that the boot
program first tries bootp, if it fails it tries bootparams etc...
Gee, I must set up a bootp server someday to test that this actually
works. :-)

-- Ragge