Subject: resend: Q: bootparamd & netbooting from Linux
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List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/1999 12:03:16
---------------------- Forwarded by Jonathan Sturges/ESD/GMR on 03/13/99
12:00 PM ---------------------------
Jonathan Sturges
03/11/99 08:13 AM
Subject: Q: bootparamd & netbooting from Linux
I'm trying to netboot my VS2k into sysinst (I plan to install the OS on
local disks).
So far, it works (almost) great. Everything is setup. However, I cannot
make the Linux rpc.bootparamd behave! It sees the "whoami" request from
the VS2k but then says "whoami failed." This implies, to me, that there is
a discrepancy between the hosts file and the bootparams file... which
there isn't... or there's something else I've missed. The bootparamd man
page in Linux is thin.
Oddly enough, if I use "callbootd" to test bootparamd, the "whoami" call
fails, but a "getfile" (I think that's the right name) succeeds for the
root fs, so it would seem my bootparams file is OK. It's looking now like
maybe gethostbyaddr() is hosed? /etc/nsswitch.conf looks OK, BTW.
I used to support diskless clients under SunOS 4.1.x a few years ago, and
bootparamd was easy to configure and not too picky.... so what's different
Can someone who's done this from Linux help me out? I read the netboot FAQ
but it doesn't make mention of any Linux bootparamd oddities. FWIW, I'm
running RH5.1/Alpha on a Multia.