Subject: Re: Newbie looking for TK50-FILE*
To: Frank J. Manske <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/10/1999 20:11:55
> Looking to install NetBSD on one of the MicroVAX 3100 or VAXstation 
> 4000-60's I keep tripping over around here.  Building a TK50 boot tape 
> from VMS sounds the most promising.  But where are those TK50* files?  I 
> searched through all the mirrors and couldn't find them.  Are they 
> packaged in some container file?

I don't know much about the 3100's (I guess they have disk support) but
I think the 4000/60 is just a diskless network box right now.  At least
that is how I run mine and it is doing just terrific these days.  I've
struggled through building -current and now I'm doing it again!  8-)

So presuming you have some other systems available (e.g. I have so many
diverse systems, all running NetBSD, that I can use) you can netboot a /60.
Gee, you can even use one of "those other brands" to netboot too 8-)
The NetBSD web site has a VAX specific netboot FAQ I think.


-- Ken