Subject: None
To: None <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/09/1999 12:25:56
i have a UC07 and a manual for it. gimme a day or two and ill send you the
relevant pages from it on how to get into the firmware on it. the UC07/8
adapters do their own low-level format of the disk and map geometries and
stuff, and you have to go into its firmware to confgure a new disk with
it. its not a very complicated process, the UC07 actually has a simple
little menu system in firmware that makes it pretty easy. It will take
a while if you have a large disk though!
Even if you remove a disk, the UC07 still reports it present (but offline)
to any software.
im not 100% sure what theyre like in netbsd, i run ultrix on my microVAX.
For some reason, any disk (of any size) that i hang from my UCo7 gets
reported as an RA81, too. dunno if thats of any relevance to you..
happy hacking,
> From: "Schaffer Andras" <>
> Hello,
> Recently I'v got an Emluex UC07 SCSI controller for my uVAX II (yes i'm
> lucky ;-).
> The problem is; lack of docs. I found switch settings, but did not found
> anything about the other parts of configuration process.
> When I put it into my VAX, the sho dev command shows two disks on it (DUB0,
> DUB1) but there is no disks on it! (The pervious user of this board has two
> disks on it)