Subject: Re: WANTED: VS 4000 VLC (KA48) Info
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Jamie Lovick <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/01/1999 20:39:45
On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Michael Kukat wrote:
> ok, we should start to add support for the VS 4000 VLC :-) I have such a box
> standing around and could try to get the booter working at first. So i need
> some information.
> What i have:
> CPU is KA48
> Console and printer port is combined in one connector, when serial console is
> selected, it works as console.
> The box has an 8-plane framebuffer (maybe it's standard), doesn't work without
> it (console/serial switch is on this board)
> The framebuffer also contains an AM79C30 audio chip (misused ISDN controller)
> Network is AMD Lance (AM7990)
> SCSI is an Emulex Chip, something with 216.
> First step would be to get it running netbooted, so i need the following info:
> The "memory addresses of interest", if it's completely different from KA46
> Does it have an FPU like the KA46 ?
> Are DZ and Lance base addresses standard ? If not, i need them.
> And of course, the most important thing, i need the ROM addresses for basic
> console I/O. And, to fit it together a little bit, i need the VAX_BTYP_48,
> the CPU type ID used to set up those variables.
> If anybody has some info of the above, please mail me, so we can start the
> VLC port, there were some requests for it as i remember.
> Every information welcome.
Unfortunately, I don't really have anything to contribute information
wise, but I do have a pile of VAXstation 4000 VLC's I would love to see
up and running .. they are all diskless, so netbooting is just fine for
Jamie Lovick | Phone : +618 8242 3811 | Email: |
IT Consultant | Fax : +618 8242 3822 | Anet : |
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