Subject: Re: cross-compiler?
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/20/1999 14:25:28
Michael Kukat writes:
> Hi !
> > Someone mentioned an i386 crosscompiler that was available
> > for NetBSD/vax?  Can anybody tell where I can find it?
> after asking, i got this nice thing. My domain is registered, maybe i
> upload it tomorrow or so, when all is finished. If you need it fast, i
> could mail it. (Think it was about 600 Kb gz'ed)

Thanks for the offer, but someone already sent it to me.  One question
though, has anyone looked into making a 'pkgsrc/cross' package for vax?
Then it would be EGCS, etc..

Andrew Gillham                            | This space left blank                     | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | Contact the publisher.